AND THE SPREADING OF POSITIVENESS CONTINUES… Thanks to all that have donated, whether through monetarily giving money or through the fundraiser of last week, In 2019 we were able to have the POW! Reunion that was a HUGE success in July and then just finished the 2nd annual 5k Run/Walk on Sunday September 27. Both of these fundraisers did exactly what we hoped and that is bring in much needed money to HELP THOSE IN NEED and also help to get our Name out even further into the public.
As of our last meeting since September 1, 2018 CAASH CHARITY has been able to give out over $15,000 to 51 groups or individuals in that 1 year and with the continued support from you will be able to increase that total many times over. With the support of the fundraisers and the many donations that have been given in the month of September alone we have helper 11 different groups and given out over $4000 to FOOD BANKS, MEALS ON WHEELS, ANGELS CLOSET, NATURAL HELPERS, NAZARETH HOUSE, HAVEN HOUSE, GREATER HAMMOND, ST. JOSEPH SOUP KITCHEN AND FOUR FAMILIES THAT HAD TRAGIC HAPPENING.
AND THE SPREADING OF POSITIVENESS CONTINUES… Thanks to all that have donated, whether through monetarily giving money or through the fundraiser of last week, In 2019 we were able to have the POW! Reunion that was a HUGE success in July and then just finished the 2nd annual 5k Run/Walk on Sunday September 27. Both of these fundraisers did exactly what we hoped and that is bring in much needed money to HELP THOSE IN NEED and also help to get our Name out even further into the public.
As of our last meeting since September 1, 2018 CAASH CHARITY has been able to give out over $15,000 to 51 groups or individuals in that 1 year and with the continued support from you will be able to increase that total many times over. With the support of the fundraisers and the many donations that have been given in the month of September alone we have helper 11 different groups and given out over $4000 to FOOD BANKS, MEALS ON WHEELS, ANGELS CLOSET, NATURAL HELPERS, NAZARETH HOUSE, HAVEN HOUSE, GREATER HAMMOND, ST. JOSEPH SOUP KITCHEN AND FOUR FAMILIES THAT HAD A TRAGIC HAPPENING.
To say the least it is events like the ones shown here that make this Charity go and brings so many smiles to peoples faces and each and every one of us in the charity hope that we can continue to grow and who knows someday have over $100,000 donated to THOSE IN NEED. If you have been watching our website you may have seen that we are already working on our fundraisers for 2020. The first one will be here before you know it and we hope that you continue to support us like you have to date.
Although I am not there on a day to day basis I can tell you it is very exciting for me all the way out in Vegas and we hope to keep it going in the right direction. If you know of anybody in need, whether an individual, a family or a group please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you are looking for something to hang your hat on and help put smiles on peoples faces then come join us as a member or maybe even donate to the cause.