As you have probably heard, CAASH CHARITY has passed the $62,000 mark in gifts to those in NEED. Our goal this year, which ends November 30th for us we hope to make the new mark of $75,000. To do that we know that we need to have a few fund raisers to add to the great donations that we get each year. In May we decided to take advantage of the new gaming rules in the state of Indiana and hold a 50/50Raffle as one of our fundraisers. This 50/50 could bring in $2500 to our budget. It was decided that we do this in conjunction with our 5K Run/Walk fundraiser at the PAV in Robertsdale. The date of the 5K is September so we set the drawing of the 50/50 for the same day. With 1000 tickets in hand an unbelievable event took place when new board members Jerry Bales and Kelly Czapla-rocha challenged the OLD TIMERS to a contest as to who could sell the most tickets. In 1 week all 1000 tickets were sold with JERRY and KELLY leading the way to victory.
Luckily as I said earlier the state of Indiana changed the rules for 50/50, allowing non-profits 3 of these types of fund raisers in a calendar year so we decided to apply for a new license for the 2nd 50/50. Labeled “Sailing to New Heights” the 2nd raffle will be drawn on Columbus Day at the Marina. Like the first tickets are $5 each with only 1000 sold and the winner will get $2500 if the tickets sell out.
Here is a sample of the 2nd 50/50 raffle ticket that will be drawn on Columbus day. If you are interested in purchasing 1 or more you can call or text Fred at 219-306-3133 or Gary at 702-366-4270 or email gmrofgrc@aol.com. You will also be able to purchase on facebook on the CAASH CHARITY of Northwest Indiana page.

You can also sign up for the 5k Run/Walk on facebook or on the following site
ALL PROFITS FROM BOTH 50/50 RAFFLES AND THE 5K Run/Walk are used directly for those in NEED.
Also we are looking for sponsors for the 5K. If you would like to be a sponsor or know someone that does please contact us at GMROFGRC@aol.com with the information. there are 3 levels of sponsorship which determines the size of the logo on the back of each shirt and the large banner at the race 2″- $100 3″-$250 and 4″- $400.