I first met our 2nd “Scroll of Honor” recipient when he was probably 5 years old and it didn’t take long to figure out that he would grow to be something special. A Close friend of my youngest son, he went through 13 years of education with Randy and along the way teamed up with him to establish himself as quite the athlete. Especially in Football. This years recipient is the President and CEO of MASS MUTUAL Great Lakes and a past player, student and friend, Manuel Amezcua. Despite the fact that he now resides in Michigan, he still makes the time and effort to give back to his roots and support CAASH CHARITY. Together with MASS MUTUAL GREAT LAKES they have been the number 2 donor to our organization.
Manuel has always been a people person and willing to give 100% to any cause he gets involved in. It is this attribute along with his great intelligence and attitude that has allowed him to get to the platform that he is at today. An exceptional speaker with a great message not only for work but for life in general. His family upbringing definitely has been the foundation for his entire “BODY OF WORK”. All of us at CAASH CHARITY are very proud to have him in our corner and know that he will always be willing to assist on positive, helping events. Thank You Manuel and MASS MUTUAL Great Lakes for all that you have already done to help make our Charity succeed and continue to grow towards our own GOAL which is HELPING THOSE THAT ARE IN NEED.
Congratulations on another well deserved honor.