For the 5th time, CAASH CHARITY has provided complete meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas to families in need or Strack & Van Til Gift Cards. At Thanksgiving it was a complete Turkey Meal with all the trimmings and for Christmas there was a Ham With all the sides. What started out as 10 families getting the meal at Thanksgiving and then 10 at Christmas grew to 100 families at each Holiday. For this year at Thanksgiving, with the assistance of wonderful donations, CAASH CHARITY was able to Extend that number to 133 families. Seeing what those meals meant to the families, Co-Founder Fred Behrens was determined to make the number of families 150 for Christmas. With the outpouring of help both monetarily and in filling and delivering the meals, THAT GOAL OF 150 FAMILIES WAS REACHED on December 21st. It would never have been accomplished without the help of CENTER LOUNGE owner Karen, Region Signs Carolyn “Buzzy”, Debbie, Dwayne G, Aidan, Ben, Joe, Sharon, Niko, Dan, Tom, Chrissy and the CAASH Charity board members that were able to help.

This marks the 5th year that CAASH Charity has had this two Holiday give-away and means that all together we have donated meals to 926 families totaling in excess of $41,000+. We also realize that this would not be possible without our supporters and partners.

Filling the bags at CENTER LOUNGE
Making sure all Meals are ready for Delivery to the Homes