On Monday October 11, the 2nd 50/50 raffle was drawn at the Marina and winning number CC00648 became our newest winner.

The 2nd raffle had 925 tickets sold of the possible 1000 so the money generated was $4625 of which the winning ticket earned $2313. Ticket number CC0648 was drawn at the Marina with board members including Milan K, Pat M and Don B officiating.

This followed the 1st 50/50 which was held September 26th at the PAV in Robertsdale. All 1000 tickets for this raffle were purchased making a total of $5000 available of which the winning ticket holder would get $2500. At that event board members Don B, Pat M, Jim B, Jen K and Ryan R were there to officiate and ticket number 0563 was drawn.

In both drawings the winners elected to give back part of their winnings for the good of the Charity which President Montalbano said would go to help with the purchase of Holiday (Thanksgiving and Christmas) Meal gift cards.

With the purchases of the gift cards the total that has been giving out by CAASH CHARITY since September 15, 2018 will exceed $75,000. That time frame is about 38 months of giving meaning we have been averaging almost $2000 each month.

We want to thank all that have contributed to these two events as well as all over the nearly 4 years of our total existence and know that without you none of this could be possible.

Winning ticket of the September 26th 50/50
Winner of the Columbus Day Sail to new heights 50/50 Raffle